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Crusher SDK Reference

This page contains API reference for the crusher SDK, which can be used while writing custom code.

Page Actions

Can be accessed through

.querySelector(elementSelector[, options])

  • elementSelector <string> Element selector to locate the element
  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<Element>>


Returns the current page URL.

  • url <string> URL to navigate to
  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<void>>

Navigates to the provided url.


Take screenshot of the page, and returns the path to the captured screenshot.

.evaluate(pageFunction[, arg, options])

  • pageFunction <function> Function to be evaluated in browser context
  • arg <any> Argument to pass to the pageFunction. To pass multiple arguments, use an array.
  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<any>>

Runs the provided function in browser context, and returns the result if it json-serializable.

.waitForFunction(jsFunction[, options])

  • jsFunction <function> Function to be evaluated in browser context
  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<void>>

Waits until the provided js function evaluates to true in browser context.

.exposeFunction(functionName, callback)

  • functionName <string> Name of the function to expose
  • callback <function> Function to be called when this function is called from inside the webpage
  • returns: <Promise<void>>

Exposes a function to the webpage. When called from the page context, the callback in node environment will be invoked with the provided arguments.

.waitForNavigation(url[, options])

  • url <string> URL to keep waiting for to consider navigation is completed
  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<void>>

Waits for the page to navigate to the provided url.

Element Actions

Operation over DOM element instances, i.e after


  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<void>>

Perform click on the element and wait for navigation to finish.


  • options <Object>
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s
  • returns: <Promise<void>>

Perform hover on the element and wait for navigation to finish.


  • options <Object>
    • name Name of the screenshot, defaults to random 32-length
    • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30s

.evaluate(jsFunction[, arg])

  • jsFunction <function> Function to be evaluated in browser context
  • arg <any> Argument to pass to the pageFunction. To pass multiple arguments, use an array.
  • returns: <Promise<any>>

Runs the provided function in browser context, and returns the result if it json-serializable.

Note: The pageFunction will be called with the element as the first argument. So the callback would look something like this,

await inputElement.evaluate(function(element, arg) {
return element.value;


Scrolls the element into view if it's not already.


The assertions will follow the jest standard API’s, i.e expect(var).toContain(””). Checkout the jest documentation for more details.

  • expect(var).toBe(value) - Equal object instance
  • expect(var).not.toBe(value) - Negative assertion
  • expect(var).toMatchObject() - For matching object
  • expect([]).toContain(”item”) :- Assertion for array to check if it contains an item
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