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Common questions
Why is it in beta?

Crusher is an ambitious project. We're trying to own and make in testing better, whether it's library owned by us or built by someone else.

What'll be the pricing?

We're not sure TBH. Current ecosystem discourages testing and innovation. On rough estimate, pricing will start from 25$/user + additional resources.

P.S.- Crusher will always be open source and free for team < 3 people.

Will it always be open source?

Yes, unless there's a severe existential threat to our company. We genuinely want to keep developing things in open environment.

Who's this for? Developers, QA engineers, etc.

Crusher is tool for people who tests. Our goal is for people to have more meaningful testing.

Why use electron?

Current testing is not deterministic in nature. To make it more robust and fast, we require e2e control. As part of the process, we have to make changes to blink and v8 too.

Dealing with anything chromium is way too hard. And electron has awesome build tools to support it. Crusher is not just regular web app embedded in electron.

Why not use playwright, cypress, selenium, etc?

These tools are great for their specific use case. But goal of meaninful testing is not fullfilled with any of them.

Building your bare minimum framework takes too much time. Developers can't and shouldn't focus on that. That's where crusher comes in.

  • lot of these tools are slow, flaky in nature. We're fixing those problems too with our approach. :::

We were in this spot earlier. Just spin up crusher, browser your test like normal user. That's it.

Later on you can customize stuff, add assertions or even use code. :::

I can't use crusher

We were in this spot earlier. Just spin up crusher, browser your test like normal user. That's it.

Later on you can customize stuff, add assertions or even use code.

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