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Developing locally

Crusher is integrated system based on javascript environment. We've made it very simple to contribute and fix a bugs


Make sure you've node > 14 installed. We use monorepo structure and use typescript for static typing.

We also use two data services

ServiceUseHow to install?
RedisFor cache & queuesGuide
PostgresAs main databaseGuide

Note: Crusher only support linux (ubuntu majorly) and MacOS as of now for development

Set up local environment

1) Clone the repo
$git clone
2) Install packages
Estimated time: 3 mins
$pnpm install
$pnpm setup:ee

There are two ways you can initialize your project, depending on which edition you want to work on:

  • pnpm setup:oss will initialize the project for OSS edition
  • pnpm setup:ee will initialize the project for EE edition
3) Configure Environment Variables
$nano .env

We store environment variables in .env file. Just configure three values to get started


See Environment Variables, if you want to know about all the environmental variables available for configuration.

4) Run DB migrations
$pnpm db:migration

This will bootstrap db from db/schema.sql or run any pending migrations.

5) Start all the services
$pm2 start

Go ahead and try to open http://localhost:3000. If you see the login screen and authentication is working fine, you have successfully set up crusher on your system 🚀

To check the status you can use following commands to see status, see logs and kill all services.

$pm2 status
$pm2 logs -f service_name
$pm2 stop

Supported OS

The source code has been built and tested on Ubuntu and macOS. We haven't tested the building source code on other systems, so if you encounter any issues Set up for a different OS, feel free to file an issue for it.


If you don't want to do all the setup chores, you can click on Open in Gitpod inside and use gitpod for development.

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